Information about the usage of cookie
This website uses cookies and similar technologies, in order to guarantee the right function of the procedures and to improve the usage's of the experiences online applications. Below, we furnish detailed information about cookies and how to use them.
Cookie are short texts fragments (letters and/or numbers), that allowed the web server to memorised information on the client (the browser), which can be used again during the same visit to the website (session cookie) or later, even after days (cookie persistent). Cookie are memorised by preference of the users, by each browser turned on the used specific appliance (computer, tablet, smartphone). Similar technologies, like, for istance, web beacon, transparent GIF and all the others types of local storage, introduced with HTML5, are possible to be used, to gather information about the user's behaviour and the usage of services. In this newsletter we'll refer to th e cookies and technologies, by using the item "cookie".
The consent
The user give his consent to the usage of cookie, by going ahead with the surfing of the website in the following two ways:
- doing an active action trought the selection of an element, which is in the page below the banner by clicking on a picture or a link
- by clicking on "OK" on the banner itselfs.
Kinds of cookie
You can receive cookie from the visited ("owner"), and the wwebsites managed by other organisations ("third parts"), whose presaence implies the trasmission of cookie, from/to the site managed by those third parts. The administration of this information collected by the third parts, is regualated by the policy, you have to make reference to.
To guarantee greater trasparence and comfort, we report in this array nearby each third parts, website related to the different policy and the the way of using cookie. Based on the characteristics and the usage of cookie we can dived cookie in the following classes:
- Technical cookies: they are those one, used only in order to obtain the trasmission of the comunication on a net of electronical comunication, or to extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide the service. They are not used for any further usage and they are normally installed directly by the owner or the website handler.
- Cookie of surfing or session: they normally guarantee the regualr surfing and usage of website.
Variations of session | self | Session |
- Cookie Analytics: they are used directly by the website handler to gather information, in cluster way, about the number of the users and about how they visit the site itselfs
Campaigning monitoring | self | n.a. | Persistent |
Tracking visits | Google Analytics | view | Persistent |
- Cookie of Funzionalità: they allowed the surfing as far as the function of a selected criteria (the language, for example) in order to provide the service itselfs
Language | self | n.a. | Persistent |
Nationality | self | n.a. | Session |
Cookie policy | selfself | n.a. | Persistent |
Manage of cookie
The user can decide to accept the cookie or not, also by using the settings of their browser. Disable cookie "third parti" doesn't affect the surfing.
The setting can be defined specifically for different websites and web applications. Furthermore the best browsers allow you to define different settings for cookies "owners" and those of "third part".
In Firefox, for example, you can acced to a control pannel through the Menu -> Instruments-> Options -> Privacy - here it is possible for you to accept the typologies of cookie or to disable them:
Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it
Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Gestione%20dei%20cookie
Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9
Opera: http://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/privacy/
Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677?viewlocale=it_IT